Public Health and Wellbeing Review 2016 - a brief survey for consultation

Prior to completing the survey please read the Consultation Paper for this review, available from the consultaton webpages: along with the Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIAA)

Q3 Do you agree with our principle of achieving the required level of savings by focussing on our priorities and delivery of mandated services?

Equalities Impact Assessment: an Equalities Impact Assessment has been carried out for this review and is included as part of this consultation

Q6 Is our assessment and analysis of the impact of the review on specific groups accurate?
Q7 Do you think the recommended actions to offset the potential impacts of the review identified in the Equalities Impact Assessment are appropriate and proportionate
Q8 Are you responding as ...?

About You
This section is really important as it helps us to understand more about the people completing the survey. Any responses to these questions will remain confidential and will only be analysed at a group level. Individuals will not be identified and personal details will not be published.

Q10 How old are you?
Q11 Are you?
Q12 Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
Q13 Your ethnicity:

Many thanks for your feedback. Just click the SUBMIT button to send us your response.

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