Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Survey |
Following the significant floods across the country in 2007, the Government gave councils new powers to help manage local flood risk. Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 South Gloucestershire Council has a duty to co-ordinate flood risk management within the council boundary to ensure that flood risks from surface water runoff, groundwater, smaller watercourses and ditches are identified and that we work with other flood risk management authorities to manage flood risk in South Gloucestershire. We need to produce a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy to set out how this will be achieved. |
We would like you to contribute to the development of the Strategy by telling us about your thoughts and experiences on areas in South Gloucestershire that have been flooded in the past or that may be vulnerable to flooding in the future and how you think these risks should be managed. |
The information you provide will be used to increase our knowledge of flood risk issues in the district and inform the development of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. Resources to manage flood risk (Finances, staff, equipment, etc) will always be limited and although the survey results will increase our knowledge of flood risk within the district they may not lead to any specific works that will reduce that risk.
Any personal information that you have supplied will be held by South Gloucestershire Council in accordance with the Data Protection Act. This information will only be used as part of this exercise and will not be passed on to any other organisation. |
Communication of flood risk information |
What do you think are the main sources of flood risk in your local area? Please select all that apply |
Do you feel that you need more information on any of the following? Please select all that apply |
In the future, what are the main ways you would prefer to find out about flood risk management in South Gloucestershire? Please select up to three that you feel are the most important |
Current understanding and concerns |
What steps have you taken to prepare for flooding? Please select all that apply. |
Priorities for flood risk management |
Funding for flood risk management activities
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is the main source of funding for flood prevention measures. The funding available is normally divided across projects around the country on a cost/benefit basis. This means that where local businesses and communities are to benefit from flood prevention measures, the government asks for contributions from those who benefit, which can greatly improve the likelihood of a project receiving funding. |
Would you like to be contacted with regards to flooding issues? |
Previous experience of flooding
A key part of this work is to understand local flooding history, its causes and future risks so that we can better prepare for the future. We need to know of any local flooding that has affected you in the past 10 years. |
If you have been affected by flooding it would really help us if you could provide details of up to four incidents. This will help us to understand the impact flooding has on people, land and property within South Gloucestershire. If you have any further information or photographs of flooding events that you wish to share with us, please send to consultation@southglos.gov.uk or the postal address provided with a description of the event. |
Have you been directly affected by flodding within South Gloucestershire in the last 10 years? |
Please indicate in what way you were affected by flooding? Please select all that apply |
What do you think was the cause of the flooding? Please select all that apply and provide further details below (if known). |
Would you like to tell us about another flooding event? |
Please indicate in what way you were affected by flooding? Please select all that apply |
What do you think was the cause of the flooding? Please select all that apply and provide further details below (if known). |
Please tell us whether you are responding to this survey as an individual or as an organisation to allow us to understand the views and concerns of different groups of respondents. |
Please answer the following optional questions about yourself. The information you supply will help us to analyse the results of this consultation and to ensure that we understand the views of different people. Responses to these questions will remain confidential. Individuals will not be identified and personal details will not be published. |
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please press the submit button below to send us your response. |
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