Getting Things Done
South Gloucestershire Council approach to localism

As part of its approach to localism, South Gloucestershire Council is reviewing the networks it uses for engaging with local communities in order to ensure these are effective and efficient. To help with this review we are particularly keen to know your views and experience of some of those networks.

Different methods of engaging with individual people and with communities are suitable for different purposes.  Some of these methods are intended to help develop vibrant and self-sufficient communities where people are able to deal with issues themselves.  Others are designed to help you make others aware of concerns so that the proper people can take action about them.

Please take a few minutes to let us have your views in order that we can take account of these in reviewing these networks.

You can also tell us your views in the following ways:

•  Complete an online survey at:
•  Email:
•  Write to: FREEPOST RRZE-CTRG-TJLJ, South Gloucestershire Council, Local decision Making
  Consultation, Council Offices, Castle Street, Thornbury, BRISTOL, BS35 1HF

What will happen next?

The council will use the results of this survey and other feedback to review the ways it engages with communities and in which it makes decisions in local areas.  Once it has determined any future approach it will then look at practical changes such as the boundaries of different groups.

Getting people to take action
1. If you have concerns about something in the area where you live, or which concern you directly (such as the condition of the local park; car parking; or the behaviour of some people) and wanted something done about it, who would you contact first?
Engagement Networks

Local Area Forums

There are 5 local area forums and a sixth South Gloucestershire area wide commitee. which provide an opportunity for strategic decisions affecting local areas to be made at a local level by the councillors elected for that area.

The council is looking to devolve more decision making to these forums, such as the power to award a wider range of grants; fund positive activities for young people; and approve local road and traffic schemes.  

The council is not proposing to change the boundaries of the 5 local area forums.
It is keen for the local area forums to have greater involvement with local residents and town and parish councils.  This would help the forums build a more detailed knowledge of issues and priorities across their area, so that this can be taken into account when decisions are made.

Among the ideas that have been suggested for this are:
•  Establishing smaller informal groups for councillors to meet residents and town and parish councils to share views;
•  Splitting meetings into 2 two parts, one for more general discussions and the second for councillors to take formal decisions;
•  Improving publicity for local area forum meetings and the decisions they have made.

2. Were you previously aware of the existence of local area forums?
3. Have you previously attended a local area forum meeting?
4. If you have previously been to a local area forum meeting, which area forum(s) have you attended? (Tick all that apply)
5. In what capacity do you attend area forum meetings?

Safer and Stronger Community Groups

There are 20 safer and stronger community groups covering South Gloucestershire.  These enable residents to highlight to the council and the police issues of concern, and actions in response to these concerns are then co-ordinated.  Often local people are involved in the response to the issues raised.
Their boundaries are based on police beats and so cut across parish boundaries and local area forum boundaries.  This can cause practical difficulties for parish councils and for residents.

South Gloucestershire Council is considering changing the boundaries of safer and stronger community groups to match parish and town council boundaries; reflect natural communities; and fit within local area forum boundaries.

Some areas within South Gloucestershire (Kingswood and Staple Hill) do not have parish councils but are still served by safer and stronger community groups.  The council would continue to include these within the areas covered by safer and stronger community groups after any review of boundaries.

11. Were you previously aware of the existence of safer and stronger community groups?
12. Have you attended a safer and stronger community group meeting?
14. In what capacity do you attend safer stronger community group meetings?
About you

Please answer the following optional questions about yourself.  This information will be used to check that we have listened to the views of the local community. Personal information will not be published.


Thank you for taking part in this survey, please press the submit button below to send us your response.

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