Essential Supporting Documents

J01 - Original Application Form

J02 - Ownership and Agricultural Holdings Certificate Submitted with Application

J03 - LPA Acknowledgement of Application Letter

J04 - Site Boundary Plan

J05 - Plans, Drawings and Documents Submitted with Application

J06 - Additional Plans, Drawings and Documents sent to the LPA which did not form part of original application

J07 - Copy of Design and Assess Statement sent to LPA

J10 - Relevant Correspondence with LPA, including Supporting Info Submitted with the application

J13 - Copy of Environmental Statement

Core Documents

CD 1 - Development Plan and National Planning Policy

CD2 - Relevant Consultation Responses

CD3 - Relevant Appeal Decisions

CD4 - Relevant Court Judgements

CD5 - Relevant Correspondence/Documents Provided by LPA

CD 6- Heritage Core Documents

CD 7 - Design and Access Statement

CD 8 - Local Housing Needs Assessment

CD 9 - Response to Third Parties

P1 - Appellants Proof of evidence

P2 - South Gloucestershire Council's Proof of evidence

S1 - Statement of Common Ground

IP 1 -Interested Parties

C1 -Conditions


DS1 - Documents Submitted in the Inquiry

OS1 - Opening Submissions

CS1- Closing Submissions

  • CS1.1 - Appellant

  • CS1.2 - Council

  • The closing submissions can be viewed here by searching 'PT18/6450/O' as added on the 2nd November